Portrait sculpture, Direct marble carving

Jamie, Portrait sculpture in Carrara Marble, Matt Harvey SMALL

For this piece I made a clay model which was in turn worked up from photos, and then using the clay model as a reference I carved directly into the marble. I didn’t use a pointing machine or anything, but I do use callipers to measure distances between say eyes to bottom of nose, width of mouth etc. I hew off large areas first, for example the width of the head down to the shoulders can all come off at right angles, then the distance between the projection of the nose and the rest of the face, then down to the cheeks. You can see an example of this in the photo below of another portrait sculpture where the tip of the nose is still square. This is a method I picked up when working as a stone mason in the Wells Cathedral yard, where I worked while taking a year out of art school. #art #devonartistnetwork #carraramarble #carrara #stonecarving #sculpture #portrait #portraitart #portraitsculpture #elbowgrease

Would be nice to do another version of this one day – carved directly in Carrara marble using photos as a reference #carrara #marble #directcarving #contemporaryart #sculpture #portrait #stonecarving #babygirl #elbowgrease #portraitsculpture #marblesculpture #stonesculpture #devon